Ok, while I am awaiting help from you, here is my own thoughts on LAB.
I will try no to violate NDA, I want to share some of my experiences.

1. device-by-device or question-by-question approach
It depends. For example, device approach is better if cue integrate with
but I think technology (question) approach is beeter if cue integrate with

2. touch cue sooner than later
Vic Mahil already said repeatedly in his blog/lectures. cue took a lot of
times and may need a few reboots.
So, you can do something else while rebooting cue

3. don't wait to do uccx as last
you need a very good knowledge on scripting and rdp to uccx is very slow
it was so slow for all my attempts. I did politely told proctor but I was
told nicely that we all have the same setup/lab
well anyway what a very slow box indeed
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