You need to transfer h323 to sip on SiteC

Voice services voip

Allow connections h323 to sip


Make sure your Site C Gwy register to Site A GK as H323-GWY instead of

No gateway



You do need a transcoder and it looks like you have it configured mostly

You do not need ephone 3

Also it is a good practice to use version 6 or higher for sccp ccm
configuration or higher

Also use bind interface X under sccp ccm group

You should also not need "mailbox-selection last-redirect-num"



[] On Behalf Of Joe Fearday
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 11:28 AM
Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Site A to Site C can't leave vm on CUE


Site A to Site C can't leave vm on CUE 


Site A to Site C configured for g729
Site A routes to Site C using gk in region C
PSTN can leave vm on CUE as can other site C phones
I am thinking this is a site C transcoding problem
CUE only supports g711; right?
Site C transcoding detailed below along with ephone:


sccp local Vlan102
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 3.1 
sccp ccm group 1
 associate ccm 1 priority 1
 associate profile 1 register sctrans
dspfarm profile 1 transcode  
 codec g711ulaw
 codec g711alaw
 codec g729ar8
 codec g729abr8
 codec g729r8
 maximum sessions 12
 associate application SCCP
 sdspfarm units 1
 sdspfarm transcode sessions 20
 sdspfarm tag 1 sctrans


ephone  3
codec g729r8 dspfarm-assist


dial-peer voice 9000 voip
 mailbox-selection last-redirect-num
 destination-pattern 3180  (CUE)
 session protocol sipv2
 session target ipv4:
 dtmf-relay sip-notify
 codec g711ulaw
 no vad
Any assistance is greatly apprecaited.
Joe Fearday

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