Just my personal experience when I failed my first lab attempt.   CUE is at
the forefront of the time waster.   Simply because it requires constant
reboot if mistake is made and every reboots take a long time too.

>> 10 ) CUE integration and trafer setup takes 20 mins

My brain seems to go numb at times too.  Simple stuff becomes a lot harder,
and I still looking back on the day as how on earth I miss that easy fix.
Not saying that without it I would pass, I just think I wouldn't the
thoroughly outclassed by it.



On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 2:17 AM, Martin Sloan <martinsloa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Let me say, I've never sat the lab so I'm just commenting on my own study
> experience.
>  - Points 3 & 4 are probably consuming too much time.  Documenting IP's is
> good but I don't currently go through and check configs.  I figure i'll get
> to it when it's time to configure that piece and if there are issues I'll
> do my troubleshooting then.
>  - 1.5hrs for Br2 seems like a long time.  I think you can get quicker
> with that part and do it in 45min or less, depending on the complexity.
> Just with those savings you're getting closer to your 6 hour goal.  I use
> notepad for anything that can be repeated like dial-peers, translation
> rules/patterns, dspfarm, QoS, etc.  I think its MUCH faster than manually
> typing the configs each time.  I always configure BR1 first so most of the
> time I'm just tweaking some settings and pasting into BR2.
> Just my input based on my own studies.  I'm sure there are veterans out
> there who have a better insight into saving time.  I'm interested to hear
> their take as well.
> Marty
> On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:58 AM, singh <singh8...@in.com> wrote:
>> hi Everyone,
>> I need your inputs here. I have been trying to complete mock and practice
>> labs in 8 hours . However their I am unable to finish or I finish with lab
>> with a lot of mistakes with no time for testing.
>> I also realize that I lose thing in the first half and speed up during
>> the end . Generally I take...
>> 1) 10 mins to test if all equipment is working fine ( 10 mins)
>> 2) read the workbook questions for the next 15 mins
>> 3) Make note of the ip addresses and router configuration per site in 25
>> mins
>> 4) Make note of all cucm configuration , cups , unity connection , uccx
>> and cue for another & dial plan 20 mins
>> 5) Now from point 5 - I start with lab configurations from Branch 2 (
>> site c - which is a mgcp gateway and srst setup) this generally takes me
>> about 1 and a half hour to just complete all configuration ( 1 hour and 30
>> mins)
>> 6) Then I move to Branch 1 ( site B - which is a H323 gateway with srst)
>> this ge nerally takes about 45 - 50 mins
>> 7) I then move to HQ ( R1 - which is MGCP gateway with srst ) this
>> generally takes 20 mins .
>> 8) Basic setup of DP , css, aar, NTP , service parameters and enterprise
>> para , vlans , dhcp and ip phone registration takes 50 mins
>> 9) CUC integ and other config including recording takes 20 mins
>> 10 ) CUE integration and trafer setup takes 20 mins
>> 11) UCCX integration , One button , script and recording takes 40 mins
>> 12) CUPs integration and client setup takes 20 mins
>> 13 )I then come back to callmanger and do the media resource setup ,
>> gateways added cucm , other configuration such as MVA , RSVP , + dial ,
>> adding trunks , unassigned dn setup to CUC - this takes 50 mins
>> 14 ) Then I move to the Route pattern setup on callmanger this I do for 3
>> sites - HQ , Site B and Site C with or without redundancy on callmanger
>> this takes 25 mins
>> 15 ) Then do this such as RTMT log collection and indicating informa tion
>> in seperate files , MGCP debugs this takes another 15 mins
>> 16 ) Switch and WAN QOS this I plan to do only if time permits as this is
>> a complex section
>> Questions :
>> =======================
>> 1) I barely am able to finish things in time . I have heard from on this
>> forum that there are candidates who finish it is 5 - 6 hours . Would anyone
>> be able to share with me as to how they do this ?
>> 2) Even if the above I complete exercises are complete there are sections
>> where I miss out on configurations. How do I make sure all config for all
>> sections is done correctly?
>> 3) I really wish I am able to finish the lab in 6 hours so that I can
>> test for another 2 hours . Could someone therefore check the above 16
>> points and let me know about the time I can reduce.
>> 4) As you can see above the router configurations consume a bit more time
>> making ( points 5 , 6 , 7 ) . I have tried with both using a notepad to
>> type the configurations and then paste & also with typing on cli but both
>> these methods take
>> around the same time. Please let me know what best method I can use for
>> points 5 , 6 , 7.
>> 5) Other suggestions are most welcome .
>> Thanks guys in advance for all your help!
>> Regards,
>> Singh
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