Where are you taking your lab?  That has to play into your plan in taking
the lab.

I took my lab at RTP, my plan was to use the device base approach.

1)  I reviewed the outline of the lab, looking for very specific things
throughout the lab that required early planning.  An example of this would
be a System wide parameter that I would need to configure early on.

2) quickly notepad the items I would need throughout the lab

3) rough scope of the lab, my device based approach and dial plan page

This took about 20 minutes to complete and in my opinion you should not
spend more than 30 and your goal should be 15.

At this point I started my device based approach and for me this was my
   1) HQ switch
   2) do base to get CUE started and start CUE
   3) HQ Router
   4) SB router
   5) Check on CUE, do anything I thought I needed and could then reboot it
   6) SC router
   7) finish CUE
   8) base CUCM
   9) dial-plan with testing as I go all calls in round robin so I am using
every phone to make calls (try to complete to this point)

when 5 minutes before archive or back up all configs you can just incase


   10) finish CUCM
   11) CUC
    12) CUPS
    13) UCCX
    14) Test everything you can

Make sure you do not get stuck on one thing, spend 10 minutes and move on,
circle back and try to complete it but keep moving.  I know it sounds
simple but you will be amazed how long you might spend on a 2-3 point item
you know you can do when it is costing you other points you could be

During your testing focus on being the proctor and thinking how he might
find fault in what you did.  Almost working perfectly won't get you the


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Martin Sloan <martinsloa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Let me say, I've never sat the lab so I'm just commenting on my own study
> experience.
>  - Points 3 & 4 are probably consuming too much time.  Documenting IP's is
> good but I don't currently go through and check configs.  I figure i'll get
> to it when it's time to configure that piece and if there are issues I'll
> do my troubleshooting then.
>  - 1.5hrs for Br2 seems like a long time.  I think you can get quicker
> with that part and do it in 45min or less, depending on the complexity.
> Just with those savings you're getting closer to your 6 hour goal.  I use
> notepad for anything that can be repeated like dial-peers, translation
> rules/patterns, dspfarm, QoS, etc.  I think its MUCH faster than manually
> typing the configs each time.  I always configure BR1 first so most of the
> time I'm just tweaking some settings and pasting into BR2.
> Just my input based on my own studies.  I'm sure there are veterans out
> there who have a better insight into saving time.  I'm interested to hear
> their take as well.
> Marty
> On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:58 AM, singh <singh8...@in.com> wrote:
>> hi Everyone,
>> I need your inputs here. I have been trying to complete mock and practice
>> labs in 8 hours . However their I am unable to finish or I finish with lab
>> with a lot of mistakes with no time for testing.
>> I also realize that I lose thing in the first half and speed up during
>> the end . Generally I take...
>> 1) 10 mins to test if all equipment is working fine ( 10 mins)
>> 2) read the workbook questions for the next 15 mins
>> 3) Make note of the ip addresses and router configuration per site in 25
>> mins
>> 4) Make note of all cucm configuration , cups , unity connection , uccx
>> and cue for another & dial plan 20 mins
>> 5) Now from point 5 - I start with lab configurations from Branch 2 (
>> site c - which is a mgcp gateway and srst setup) this generally takes me
>> about 1 and a half hour to just complete all configuration ( 1 hour and 30
>> mins)
>> 6) Then I move to Branch 1 ( site B - which is a H323 gateway with srst)
>> this ge nerally takes about 45 - 50 mins
>> 7) I then move to HQ ( R1 - which is MGCP gateway with srst ) this
>> generally takes 20 mins .
>> 8) Basic setup of DP , css, aar, NTP , service parameters and enterprise
>> para , vlans , dhcp and ip phone registration takes 50 mins
>> 9) CUC integ and other config including recording takes 20 mins
>> 10 ) CUE integration and trafer setup takes 20 mins
>> 11) UCCX integration , One button , script and recording takes 40 mins
>> 12) CUPs integration and client setup takes 20 mins
>> 13 )I then come back to callmanger and do the media resource setup ,
>> gateways added cucm , other configuration such as MVA , RSVP , + dial ,
>> adding trunks , unassigned dn setup to CUC - this takes 50 mins
>> 14 ) Then I move to the Route pattern setup on callmanger this I do for 3
>> sites - HQ , Site B and Site C with or without redundancy on callmanger
>> this takes 25 mins
>> 15 ) Then do this such as RTMT log collection and indicating informa tion
>> in seperate files , MGCP debugs this takes another 15 mins
>> 16 ) Switch and WAN QOS this I plan to do only if time permits as this is
>> a complex section
>> Questions :
>> =======================
>> 1) I barely am able to finish things in time . I have heard from on this
>> forum that there are candidates who finish it is 5 - 6 hours . Would anyone
>> be able to share with me as to how they do this ?
>> 2) Even if the above I complete exercises are complete there are sections
>> where I miss out on configurations. How do I make sure all config for all
>> sections is done correctly?
>> 3) I really wish I am able to finish the lab in 6 hours so that I can
>> test for another 2 hours . Could someone therefore check the above 16
>> points and let me know about the time I can reduce.
>> 4) As you can see above the router configurations consume a bit more time
>> making ( points 5 , 6 , 7 ) . I have tried with both using a notepad to
>> type the configurations and then paste & also with typing on cli but both
>> these methods take
>> around the same time. Please let me know what best method I can use for
>> points 5 , 6 , 7.
>> 5) Other suggestions are most welcome .
>> Thanks guys in advance for all your help!
>> Regards,
>> Singh
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