ccm-manager music-on-hold
ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle
pilot 4500
list 4101,4102
timeout 10,10
auto logout 2 dynamic *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*
  * ===========> But  if agent gets logged out then subsequent calls will
directly go to Voice mail even though there are zero calls in the queue ??*

service app-b-acd
param number-of-hunt-grps 1
param second-greeting-time 40 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
*=======================>I don't understand or see any difference due to
this command plz clarify?? Why*
*is it 40 here and 32 in the aa script that is really confusing??*

param aa-hunt1 4500
param queue-len 2
param queue-manager-debugs 1
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