Hi Drake,

That's an interesting point.  I've definitely heard of Microsoft creating
such road blocks and I know first hand that Internet Explorer loves to be
different when it comes to web programming.  Here's a funny take on MS
(with a measure of truth):

"A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen-bit patch to
an eight-bit operating system originally coded for a four-bit
microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company that can't stand one
bit of competition."

I've spent some time in Cisco's Jabber CAXL library which is about 40k
lines of Javascript and while it's not truly WebRTC, they're really pushing
for developers to integrate voice/video/im into the browser.  From what I
know of Cisco, they seem to typically be in support of standardizations and
often incubate technology and then release for standardization.  I could be
way off on that one so feel free to disagree.  Browser support is a big
issue too since only the modern browsers are supporting it, it's going to
be a while before the desktop/laptop world is fully ready but since mobile
devices are refreshed so often they're typically pretty up to date and
should support it now and if not soon.

The bottom line for me is that competition breeds innovation so any company
that blocks legitimate advances to protect their own profits will
ultimately fail.  Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve!


On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Drake J <jdrake...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Martin,
> Thanks for your inputs.
> Food for thought - the UC vendors otherwise rivals when it comes to
> competition seem to team up  against Open source projects in the
> World  Wide Web Consortium ( W3C) and keep causing roadblocks
> in the standardization of Webrtc. Why?  it seems like it threatens
> their own products .
> However open source communities such as Mozilla are fighting hard
> to push this through.
> The  Future definitely has a lot in store for  IP Telephony.
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Martin Sloan <martinsloa...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Let me just say that I love this thread!
>> @Laksh about Asterisk, from my experience you'll be hard pressed to find
>> anything (non-proprietary) that Cisco UC can do that Asterisk cannot.
>> Complex dial plans, feature rich VM, native call recording, mobility, etc -
>> Asterisk can do it all straight out of the box.  That being said I only use
>> Asterisk to fill in gaps when there is something that Cisco UC can't do
>> easily or without costing a small fortune, since Asterisk can do it for
>> free.  Being an open source platform, if the feature doesn't exist you can
>> code it yourself.  I've never deployed it as an overall solution but just
>> as a tool to fix a problem.  I know there are some large(ish) SP's using
>> Asterisk like SIP-UA, so I believe it has the ability to scale although I
>> can't attest to that myself.  In comparing reliability, there have been
>> some kludge versions of CUCM out there as well so depending on who you talk
>> to about Asterisk, you might get mixed results.  I have never had a problem
>> with it's reliability, outside of problems I've caused myself :-)
>> If you're interested in a nice introduction to Asterisk without having to
>> use the somewhat cryptic config files, download Elastix and deploy as a
>> VM.  It runs on CentOS with a GUI and it's really straight forward to
>> setup.  Use 'Elastix without tears' as a guide, although it's a little
>> dated 95% of the info is accurate.  You can get a free SIP trunk to the
>> cloud using SIP-UA.
>> I think Asterisk and it's soft-switch cousin FreeSwitch are going to
>> become more and more popular.  I've personally spoken with 3 tech start-up
>> companies that are providing web-based telephony services using FreeSwitch (
>> https://www.speek.com & http://anymeeting.com & http://www.voysee.com)
>> and I'm sure there are many more out there on the rise.  Just like moving
>> from a CO where an operator was physically plugging in cables to connect
>> calls all the way up to our current IP infrastructure, the industry
>> continues to change and advance so it's up to us to stay relevant.  That's
>> the thing I like most about Telephony/VoIP/UC/Collaboration is that even
>> though it continues to evolve and update, until humans start using ESP to
>> communicate it's going to remain absolutely necessary, which means
>> (hopefully) a job for us!
>> Marty
>> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:30 AM, Drake J <jdrake...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> hi Laksh,
>>> Thanks for your inputs here.    This was a good discussion.   It is
>>> always good for us to all know about things that happen outside  . Talking
>>> about Telco OTTs we can already see  few of the Telcos have come out  with
>>> Webrtc solutions for enterprise and service providers .  Check this video
>>> out too depicting their solution...
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz-BQZMp3sk
>>> Most of these applications written on software are  supposed to  open
>>> source and left for the users to customize .   No real networking staff
>>> expertise required   just download the  SDK/API and customize and no more
>>> complex network topologies in future.  Also no licensing fee too .  Hence a
>>> real killer  of  techology  in the future  most likely we will see a wide
>>> spread of this starting 2014 if all predictions are to be believed.
>>> Hope someone from any of the TELCOs  on this alias can add a few
>>> comments as well.
>>> Thanks once again for your inputs everyone.
>>> On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 11:05 PM, Lakshmish NS 
>>> <lakshmish...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi Drake,
>>>> I totally understand your concern, I'd be worried too. Having said
>>>> that, we should always update ourselves with the latest technology.
>>>> However, in future I believe Asterisk might be able to give tough run to
>>>> Cisco UC. Not sure though, I hear stories that it is unstable and
>>>> featureless compared to CUCM. I hope if someone aware of Asterisk would
>>>> help us out here.
>>>> Regard,
>>>> Laksh
>>>> On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 9:56 PM, Drake J <jdrake...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>>> Thanks for your responses  I see u guys have empathized on call
>>>>> routing and and UC hardware for backend deployments.  However Telco OTTs
>>>>> are coming up with directly provide these services over the cloud . Here 
>>>>> is
>>>>> a disruptive analysis :
>>>>> http://www.slideshare.net/deanb/disruptive-analysis-web-rtc-overview-april-2013
>>>>> Anyways, this might be not be so serious afterall . Just thought of
>>>>> brainstorming  .
>>>>> Thanks guys for your responses again.
>>>>> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Lakshmish NS 
>>>>> <lakshmish...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Didn't have time to go through the video, I believe WebRTC is nothing
>>>>>> but a Protocol, similar to SIP, H.323. Moreover, this protocol would only
>>>>>> appeal to the Web audience, just like Skype, or Google talk. You still 
>>>>>> need
>>>>>> to use UC hardware and their design for enterprise deployments. I mean we
>>>>>> don't use Google talk and Skype in companies right? SIP is open source, 
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> still Cisco uses it. As FAQ's suggest "WebRTC is an open framework
>>>>>> for the web that enables Real Time Communications in the browser". If 
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> UC was that easy that could be implemented through browser, we didn't 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> to work this hard for CCIE numbers. You might want to go through this...
>>>>>> http://www.webrtc.org/faq
>>>>>> You've clearly misinterpreted WebRTC here..
>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Drake J <jdrake...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> hi All,
>>>>>>> Had a troubling question hence thought of putting it out .Looking at
>>>>>>> the UC and networking trends worldwide it appears that
>>>>>>> the future of UC and collaboration is web based. Webrtc is
>>>>>>> the protocol that the world will use and individuals and
>>>>>>> organizations
>>>>>>> just need to code their requirement based on the WEBRTC.
>>>>>>> Here is the presentation that Google recently made
>>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8C8ouiXHHk
>>>>>>> Clearly many of the UC vendors are already losing out and will be
>>>>>>> losing out in year 2014.
>>>>>>> Most of the customers are already looking at reducing the cost
>>>>>>> involved
>>>>>>> in maintaining costly UC vendor networks and their networking staff .
>>>>>>> Therefore that brings me to my question is the CCIE voice worth
>>>>>>> anymore?
>>>>>>> -Drake
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