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On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 03:10:18PM -0400, David Roberts wrote:
> Another issue I had with the baton-Main chain was, occasionally it did
> work.  Now, when it did, I could not do any real space refinement (it
> just gave wierd results, with triangles of atoms located all over the
> place, no real sense to be made of it).  So I just stopped it all
> together, until I can figure out what was happening.

sounds like the map might not be on the absolute scale, try

(set-matrix 10.0)
> One question I have on the terminal residue thing.  Is it possible to
> build the other way, that is, build toward the beginning?  I have a
> fragment which starts at residue 12, and I need to build it back to
> residue 3 or so.  I tried by using the add terminal residue feature, and
> it does work, but the geometry it inserts is very goofy (the carbonyl is
> very wrong, and needs a lot of work).  Is there an easier way?

I've seen it go goofy sometimes too:

try this setting beforehand:

(set-terminal-residue-do-rigid-body-refine 0)


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