I am using Coot to build a model into experimental density map and have a question about the calpha to mainchain conversion.  Using a partially build model, I used the Ca Baton mode to build in atoms along the main chain that were missing.  I then attempted to convert the calpha atoms to mainchain using the CaZone --> Mainchain feature.  The problem is that nothing happens.  I can see that the program (Coot) is searching the database of fragments, but then it stops and nothing happens. 
The calpha --> mainchain conversion seems to work with some atom zones and not with others.  My question is, if Coot cannot find a suitable mainchain fragment for my atom zone in the database, what other option do I have for converting the atom zone into mainchain? 
I am using a partially built model and simply manually building in the 'missing bits'.  Which model building program is best for this type of build?  Thanks in advance for all feedback!
Nicholas Noinaj
University of Kentucky School of Medicine
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Biomedical Biological Sciences Research Building, Rm 236
741 S. Limestone
Lexington, Ky 40536
Lab:  859-323-8183
Home:  859-228-0978

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