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Hi folks:

I thought I would try compiling refmac version 5.3 in situ in ccp4, so I added the new files, replacing the old. This strategy seemed to work until linking, when I encountered this:

eval /sw/lib/gcc4/bin/gfortran ${refmac5_FLAGS-"-O0 -fno-second- underscore"} -o refmac5 make_CIF.o make_subr.o make_lib.o make_crd.o make_new.o make_PDB.o refmac_newdic.o solvent_contr_mask.o hkon_secder_tch.o fast_hessian_tabulation.o subvag.o lsq_symm_atoms.o oppro_tor1.o rcard_tor1.o subcf_scale1.o ncs_const.o subag_scale_hessian.o extra_eigen.o rigid_body_newdic.o aniso_ref_eigen.o linalgebra.o make_subr_refmac.o tls_newdic_non.o vdw_symmetry.o make_rst.o makecif.o make_refmac_dummy.o ls_scaling_double.o interpolate_mod.o rharvest.o newentry_idealise.o ml_scaling_double.o gaussian_int.o subnumrec.o -L../lib/src -lccp4f - lccp4c -lmmdb -L/sw/src/fink.build/ccp4-6.0.1-1005/ccp4-6.0.1/lib/ ccif -lccif -framework vecLib -L/sw/lib/gcc4/lib/gcc/i386-apple- darwin8/4.2.0 -L/sw/lib/gcc4/lib/gcc/i386-apple- darwin8/4.2.0/../../.. -lstdc++ -lgcc_s.10.4 -lSystem -lm
/sw/lib/odcctools/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [refmac5] Error 1

Any idea what I am missing?


Bill Scott

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