Title: Study Weekend confirmation - now sent electronically!

No longer do delegates have to wait until the envelope arrives to confirm their acceptance at CCP4 Study Weekend - all Study Weekend delegates will receive their confirmation via e-mail to the e-mail address which has been supplied during their registration process. We hope that this proves to be a more efficient way in which to inform registrants of their confirmation - think of all the paper cuts that will be avoided! Please double check the e-mail address that you supply as we have had a few confirmations which have bounced back due to incorrect e-mail addresses.

Also, we had several problems with our server over the past weekend which meant that being able to register was sporadic during that time period. The problems have now been corrected, however it may mean that some people will receive duplicates of their registration confirmations. Please disregard if you do as it does not affect your initial registration (unless you have recently paid and this should be updated on the duplicate confirmation).


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