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I'm not sure why it won't work with the old Coot version of
syminfo - it should be the same. I think we did have some
reports of this, but it always seemed to work for me ...

But probably you want to disable the old coot anyway. You'll
be sourcing the old coot setup file somewhere, look e.g. in
~/.bashrc   Afterwards, you'll need to "unset SYMINFO" or
just login again, to make sure it "forgets" the old settings.

The new coot is a wrapper script which means you shouldn't
have this problem.

If you do want to keep coot 0.0.33 then make sure ccp4.setup
is sourced after coot.setup


On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 20:31 +0000, abdul azeez wrote:
> Hi 
> Greetings!
> I have updated the CCP4 6.0.1 - linux version.  When I try to run the
> PHASER program I am 
> obtaining the following error message while reading *.mtz file.
> Spacegroup information obtained from library file:
> Logical Name: SYMINFO
> Filename: /usr/local/programs/Coot-0.0.33/share/coot/
> syminfo.lib
> CCP4 library signal csym: Cannot find SYMINFO file - no symmetry
> information.
> Note:
> The current CCP4 version installed Coot-0.1.1 version. But the library
> file indicating the 
> older Coot version.
> I will be happy if anybody could suggest to overcome this problem.
> Thanks
> Yours faithfully,
> Abdul Azeez

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