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On 14 Oct 2006, at 18:10, Nicholas Noinaj wrote:

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NOpe, you cannot directly export image file from Pymol to Jpeg (unless this has changed recently). But it is quite easy to save as PNG and then use some image editing program to convert to JPEG if you like. I recommend saving at around 1200 X 1200 (at least) with dpi set to 300. if you don't know how to do this, please let me know. it makes a big difference in the image quality.

That really depends what you want to do !!!

For a PowerPoint presentation its utterly pointless to save anything to more than about 640x480, you need even less if the image is planned to be a small portion of the slide. I have often rendered 120x80 images and they look great, since thats as many pixels that the projector can spare for that size of an image in my presentation. Do organize sizes in advance, don't go messing about making images smaller and bigger in PP, you just make quality worse.

If you want now a picture for an A0 poster for your next meeting, to dominate in about 40x30 cm (about 16x12 inches), and you will print that at the expensive new institute printer that does 300dpi, to achieve the desired quality you need
about 4800x3600 pixels !!!

btw, all presentation programs these days accept PNG - its a nice format and no real need to make JPEGs. JPEGs are really good for your camera, but at least in a few cases JPEG compression is not good for molecular graphics.

The bond radius in stick representations can be changed by typing "set stick_radius = [VALUE]" or "set stick_radius = 0.8" for example. You will have to play with the exact value to please your taste.

Here is a link that you will most likely find very useful for some of your needs.


Again, best of luck!


-----Original Message-----
From: "shivesh kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ccp4bb@dl.ac.uk
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 04:32:52 -0700
Subject: [ccp4bb]: thickness of the stick model

Dear all,
How can I save the image in JPEG format and can I decrease the thickness of stick for better representation in electron density map...Thanx in advance.


Nicholas Noinaj
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
The Center for Structural Biology
Biomedical Biological Sciences Research Building, Rm 236
741 S. Limestone
Lexington, Ky 40536
Lab:  859-323-8183
Cell:  859-893-4789
Home:  859-228-0978

A. Perrakis PhD, Project Leader
Dept. Molecular Carcinogenesis
Netherland Cancer Institute
Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX AM
+31205121951 +31628597791

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