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On Saturday 14 October 2006 12:31 pm, Sudharsan Sridharan wrote:
> xtalview) or alternatively save the figure and use render command to
> write out a .png file. altho' png file is not as good as tiff , you
> can fire up photoshop or gimp and save as tiff.

This advice is quite wrong. 

PNG is a loss-less format, and thus "perfect" in quality.
You may be thinking of JPEG, which is a lossy format that
sacrifices quality for small size.

TIFF is actually not an image format at all, it is a _file_ format that
is used to wrap an image. The image inside a TIFF file can be in any of
a large number of formats, including PNG (although that would be unusual).

Be that as it may, the Raster3D render command can save files as
PNG, JPEG, or TIFF.  No need to save and later convert to something
else as a separate step.

> but i think you can 
> use these png files directly into your presentations as they aren't as
> big as tiff and of decent quality for presentations. but you probably
> need the tiff files made out from high res (say 300 dpi) for
> publications

300 dpi is not high resolution. Even most lab printers these days can
do better than that. Typical publication presses run from 1200dpi up.

Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center
University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742

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