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Hi Flip:
OCA is back to work, now.
To my opinion, it is definitely the best tool around to search for/on structures. I, however, never managed to have these enclosed links work: STING, GRASS and Ramachandran. In OCA, you have to options to download coordinates: If you click on "complete with coordinates" the whole file is displayed in your browser window. If you then save it, it would include HTML strings. However, if, instead, you click on "Save to disk", then you directly download a clean pdb file you can directly use.
Hope this helps.

Nadir Mrabet

Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet
   Cellular & Molecular Biochemistry
   INSERM U-724
   UHP - Nancy 1, School of Medicine
   Avenue de la Foret de Haye, BP 184
   54505 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex
   Phone: +33 (0)
   Fax:   +33 (0)
Flip Hoedemaeker wrote:
Hi All,
The OCA site of EBI seems to be down, which is unfortunate, since it is my favorite PDB search tool at this moment. Perhaps time to do a little survey on who likes which site to look for structures. What I really like to be able to is to download a subsite of structures of e.g. one particular protein without having to edit the downloaded coordinates , for instance to remove HTML strings etc. Any suggestions? I'll post a summary! Flip

Flip Hoedemaeker - Ph.D. CEO
Key Drug Prototyping BV
Kruislaan 406
1098 SM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel +31-20-7512060
Fax +31-20-2010115
Mob +31-65-2451106
Skype: fhoedem
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