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On Thursday 19 October 2006 11:46 am, Peter Adrian Meyer wrote:
> However, the discussion of using rmsd for a contour cutoff reminded
> me of a (probably bad) idea I'd had a while back.  Why use contour
> surfaces at all, instead of color-mapping the value of the map at a
> given point?  This would probably result in a higher load on the
> graphics card, and some care with transparency, but seems like it
> would give a better visualiation of the map (at least with stereo; in
> 2d this might be even more confusing).
> Any ideas if this has been tried before (or reasons why it's a bad
> idea)?

It has been tried at various times in the past, on various generations
of graphics hardware.  Such voxel-based coloring is/was, for example, a
standard display option in the general purpose visualization tool AVS.

In the cases that I have myself seen (mostly AVS, but some other demos
as well) the visual impression is one of trying to peer through dense 
fog.  Distinguishing features of one fog patch viewed through an
indeterminate layering of other fog patches is difficult at best.
Stereo doesn't work, because the fog does not consist of hard-edges
objects your visual system can match up to yield depth info.

Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center
University of Washington, Seattle WA

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