Dear CCP Bulletin Board readers,

The issue of hydrogen atoms is an interesting one that my lab has been pursuing for a number of years on the flavoenzyme, cholesterol oxidase. Hydrogen atoms typically become visible in the density maps higher than 1.2Å (this is the accepted boundary for defining atomic resolution). That being said the density is clear for these atoms only when the "heavy atoms" to which they are bonded are not overly mobile...otherwise the single electron of the hydrogen becomes smeared out and not visible anymore. In our experience the first hydrogens that become visible in the maps are those attached to the main chain (alpha carbon and amide hydrogens that are part of the peptide bond). In many ways however the more interesting ones are those on ionizable side chains. In the case of enzymes, these are the ones that are likely to be involved in catalysis. One typically needs resolutions higher than 1.0 Å to see these you need alot of order in your structure.
Anthony's comments about offset density for predicted hydrogen
positions is particularly relevant in protein structures. The internal core region of a protein molecule has a unique microenvironement and interesting effects can be seen as a result. We have recently reported such interesting effects as a function of pH in our structure (see Nature Chemical Biology, 2006, 2, 259-264).
When you reach resolutions higher than 0.8-0.9Å you
should consider doing multipole refinements as has been done with aldose reductase
at 0.66Å (see Cell Mol Life Sci., 2004, 61, 774-82)
At that resolution the density around the atoms can be treated as non spherical due to polarization effects. Such refinements allow a much more detailed view of the density distribution and give important information about electrostatics. This has been pursued for many years now on small molecules. Work by Lecomte and colleagues with the program MoPro are making these types of refinements a reality for macromolecules which diffract to very high resolutions. These studies are important as they tell us alot about the unique environment within a large macromolecule
and how this environement confers stability and chemistry to the molecule.

Of course if you really want to see hydrogens most convincingly neutron diffraction is the way to move forward. Large crystals and perdeuterated protein make such studies
most feasible.

We can learn alot about the chemistry of a electron at a time!


Anthony Addlagatta wrote:

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Hi Pietro,

A while ago, I had a chance to work with an ultra-high resolution (0.86 Ang) of a small protein, BPTI (Acta Crystallogr., 2001, D57, 649-663). We have done few experiments on that data. One such was dealing with H-atoms. We could locate several H-atoms in the difference density map in the core of the protein, particularly on the C-alpha and the amide N atoms (on some water molecules too!). We added them as riding atoms in the SHELXL. To our surprise, there was still some density near the H-atoms. We realized that the position of some of the H-atoms, particularly on C-alpha's in a beta strand is in fact is not at the predicted position but is offset by 0.1 to 0.2 Ang in the direction towards a carbonyl oxygen in the neighboring strand. We concluded that this offset is because of the possible C-H...O hydrogen which is less accepted in biocrystallographer community.

I like your idea of adding H-atoms (probably not refining them but only as riding, may be at resolutions better than 1.0 Ang.). But keep in mind that not all the H-atoms are NOT in the ideal positions.

Happy hydrogenation!


Anthony Addlagatta, PhD
HHMI Research Associate
Institute of Molecular Biology
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR-97403
Phone: (541) 346-5867
Fax: (541)346-5270

On Jan 13, 2007, at 6:56 AM, Pietro Roversi wrote:

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Dear all,
let's see if I can make a smooth transition of the bulletin board to a different topic.

Marc Schiltz mentioned that H atoms are not routinely refined because more often than not the resolution of the data does not warrant their refinement - except I think there are a few H atoms in proteins whose positions _are_ uniquely defined by the position of the atom thy are bonded to, and the atoms bonded to that e.g. the amide Hs, and the Hs on the Calpha, Asn and Gln amide Hs, Proline Hs, and so on. In fact, most Hs are a pretty sure bet except the Ser, Tyr and Thr -OH moieties, the -SH of Cys, the terminal -CH3 of Ala, Met, Ile, Val, Leu, Thr, and the ones bound to N on Arg, Lys, His side chains. Some stereochemical guesswork could be done on those but I do not want to open a can of worms there.

Anyway, those H atoms could be added at positions that are essentially correct within the typical resolution of the data, at zero parameter cost. They scatter, there are quite a few of them, and they would actually provide extra non-bonded restraints given that the H-X bond has a direction and a length (for example MolProbity uses H atom addition to detect clashes pointing to suboptimal parts of the model). This is a case of a very reliable prior which we should incorporate all the more in our model, given that the data are uninformative as to that part of the model.

This is already done for example in Shelx with riding H atoms - so an option that would "add safely locatable Hydrogens" would help all refinement programs.

       As the Morris cars fans magazine's title goes: "Minor Matters"



Alice Vrielink
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of California, Santa Cruz    Office Phone:   (831) 459 5126
1156 High Street                        Lab Phone:      (831) 459 3929
Santa Cruz, CA                          Fax:            (831) 459-3139
95064                                   Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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