
Alice Vrielink wrote:
When you reach resolutions higher than 0.8-0.9Å you
should consider doing multipole refinements as has been done with aldose reductase
at 0.66Å (see Cell Mol Life Sci., 2004, 61, 774-82)

While the multipole refinement is great and well justified in *small* molecule crystallography (I mean like for refinement of zeolites), I would *really* doubt its use for macromolecular structure refinement. Much simpler model parameterization can be used. Check out the reference below for complete discussion:

(P. V. Afonine, V. Y. Lunin, N. Muzet & A. Urzhumtsev, Acta Cryst. (2004). D60, 260-274, On the possibility of the observation of valence electron density for individual bonds in proteins in conventional difference maps).


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