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Phil Evans wrote:

How do commercial software houses manage? Do they package all the dependencies with their applications (perhaps this is why Adobe CS2 is >5GB)?

on the other 90% of the world's computers the problem of colliding, shared, dynamic dependencies goes under the quaint name of "dll hell" and Microsoft's attempt at a solution amounts to introducing an additional operating system (as if the first one didn't provide enough rope) with a bureaucratically-empowered loader (e.g http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dndotnet/html/dplywithnet.asp ) This tends to corroborate the view that building multi-platform binary distributions with dynamic dependencies is a "hard" problem not likely to be amenable to a simple/general solution. Thankfully, if the pre-built packages/rpms fail, the availability of source reduces the problem to an annoyance, one that probably is not going away.

Alastair Fyfe
Graduate Student
Biomolecular Engineering Dept.
University of California, Santa Cruz

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