Averaging and phase extension should work

Get the matrix relating molecule A to B from the Superpose molecule task on the CCP4 GUI

Combine your native and dervative data together

Run DM to do phae improvement and extension for the native data using averaging.
  This is all pretty well documented but ask if you have problems


Vineet Gaur wrote:

hi all
first of all i apologise for asking a non CCP4 question.
i m trying to solve a structure by MIR using Solve/Resolve. i have native data up to 1.8A but the data quality for derivatives (Pt, Hg, Au and Sm) is not very food in terms of resolution and occupancies. due to this i have calculated patterson at 3.3A with a mean fig of merits: 0.43. i m also using anomalous data for patterson calculation. Mean FOM after density modification using resolve at 3.7A is 0.67. i cant further improve the FOM using NCS although there r two molecules in asu, becz no NCS relation exist between the heavy atom sites detected. since i m working at very low resolution, automated model building is placing either ala or gly. Is there anything that i can try to further improve theFOM n secondly if i cant further improve the FOM, how should i proceed in solving structure with a partially build model for main chain.
thanx in advance
vineet gaur

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