Dear all

There is a 3-year BBSRC-funded post doc position available in my lab
for a crystallographer with interest and experience of protein complexes.
This post is part of a larger, pan-European partnership using a 'systems'
approach to studying the transition from vegetative growth into
stationary phase of /Bacillus subtilis/. In total, there are 3 RA posts
available in Newcastle; the other two posts, based in the labs of my
colleagues Profs. Errington & Harwood, would suit molecular biologists
and/or biochemists.

Further details on all 3 post-doc positions, and the application process
can be found here:

Applications not submitted in accordance to the information found
on this URL will NOT be considered further.


Dr. R. J. Lewis
Reader in Structural Biology
Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Medical Sciences           Tel: +44 (0)191 222 5482
University of Newcastle               Fax: +44 (0)191 222 7424
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH, UK    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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