Hi would appreciate suggestion/comments.
I am having a problem of opening .fcf file (created by shelx) in a new version 
of COOT (0.2, January 2007) installed in newer version of Linux operating 
system (CentOS  4.4), and can not see the map.
Same file .fcf I could open and see map in the older version of COOT in Linux 
Red Hat 8.0 series operating system.
In both cases it uses CCP4 version 6.0. 

For the first case I am getting the following message

dataset filename: /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf
DEBUG:: getting f_phi_columns...
>>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:File not identified as MTZ (Error)
         raised in MtzGet <<<<<<
CCP4MTZfile: open_read - File missing or corrupted: /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf
INFO:: not an mtz file: /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf
DEBUG:: getting f_phi_columns...
>>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:File not identified as MTZ (Error)
         raised in MtzGet <<<<<<
CCP4MTZfile: open_read - File missing or corrupted: /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf
INFO:: not an mtz file: /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf
DEBUG:: getting f_phi_columns...
>>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:File not identified as MTZ (Error)
         raised in MtzGet <<<<<<
CCP4MTZfile: open_read - File missing or corrupted: /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf
INFO:: not an mtz file: /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf
DEBUG:: in column_selector_using_cmtz got read success of 0
INFO:: data file /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf is not a valid mtz file
/home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf is not a .phs file
INFO trying to read /home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf as a SHELX fcf file
safe running: (handle-shelx-fcf-file "/home/usx/shelex/pab.fcf")
exit status: 0
((safe_scheme_command) Error in proc: key:  unbound-variable  args:  (#f 
Unbound variable: ~S (read-cif-data-with-phases) #f))

In the above process a  .cif file created which COOT can read and I can see map 
as well. But I am not sure whether this is a correct map COOT I am getting with 
the above error message displaying. 
For the above problem when I talked to our system administrator he said there 
was no BUG or problem during installation of COOT of above version. 
So I look for the advice/suggestion and many thanks in advance.

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