
In our lab we have background on both instruments, 2 Biorad and 2
Aktas. We got problems on both, minor ones on Aktas, major ones on
Biorads, with expensive fixing on Aktas and cheaper fixings on
Biorads, but efficient fixing on Aktas and unsolved problems on
Biorads. Actually, first Biorad was trashed, second one is a wheezing
old man and Aktas are running like Swiss clocks.
It may be important to note that the Biorads are older than Aktas.

Summary of OUR background: Biorad is cheaper (buying and maintenance)
but have low reliability.


2007/7/20, Filip Van Petegem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I believe this subject has been touched briefly before, but does anyone have
any strong feelings before or against using an Akta FPLC/purifier versus a
Biorad Duo Flow?  The Biorad Duo instruments are significantly cheaper; are
they however also 'as good' as GE Healthcare? I'm especially interested in
comments from people who have used both instruments before.



Filip Van Petegem, PhD
Assistant Professor
The University of British Columbia
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2350 Health Sciences Mall - Rm 2.356
Vancouver, V6T 1Z3

phone: +1 604 827 4267

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