If you have used TLS the B factors listed for the residues are the residual values AFTER the TLS is applied so they are correctly restrained to be quite close - the differences in the molecules should be expressed in the hard-to-visualise TLS parameters.
The first check is to run
TLSANL and ask to get out the isotropic B equivalent after applying a TLS operator. This might show what you expect - that one residue is well defined whilst others are very floppy.

I usually start TLS by setting all B factors to the Wilson B estimated in TRUNCATE or somewhere, then follow the GUI protocol - 10 cycles of TLS followed by 10 cycles of restrained refinement with NCS restraints.

Is that what you have done?

Hello - I have nearly completed a crystal structure at 2.6 A resolution.  There 
are 3 monomers per asymmetric unit (same protein in different conformations), 
and I have been using non-crystallographic symmetry during the refinement 
process (REFMAC5).  I have been isotropically refining B-values and using TLS.  
My problem is that the B-values appear to be too tight as a result of 
non-crystallographic symmetry.  For example, an Asp residue has well-defined 
density, and atomic B factors of about 40.  However, the adjacent lysine, with 
no density for the side chain has B factors of 42.  This does not make sense 
for them to have nearly identical B values, when there is differing density.  
This may be a consequence of having a residue with well defined density in 
chain A and chain B, but not chain C.  When plotting residue number vs. B 
factor, the values seem to be too tightly grouped to make sense.  Loosening NCS 
restraints leads to more variability in B factors, a lower R factor,
 but higher R-free.

My question is how do I keep NCS, and allow B-factors to vary more so I have 
more reasonable values?  I would appreciate any ideas you have.  Thank you in 
advance for your time and assistance.

Ana M. Misic
Research Assistant
Department of Biomolecular Chemistry
Department of Bacteriology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
420 Henry Mall, Rm 230
Madison, WI 53706

Lab Phone: (608)265-9282
Fax: (608)262-9865

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