Paul D. Cook schrieb:
Hello, I'm running stereocoot on linux (centos) machines with nvidia video cards and stereographics emitters and glasses. The setup seems to work fine most of the time, but the stereo will invert every now and then (the right eye is shown the left image and vice versa). This seems to happen especially after a computation such as realspace refine is performed. The stereo will usually spontaneously correct itself, but sometimes I have to minimize the window and restore it. This is occuring on three machines with the above configuration. Swapping emitters and glasses seems to do nothing. Has anyone had such a problem?

Paul D. Cook


I've seen this problem too, on AMD dual-processor machines with powersaving enabled. I could not find a version of the NVIDIA driver that did not show the problem. I believe that the switch in CPU frequency disturbs the synchronization. So you might want to experiment with e.g. "service cpuspeed stop" (as root) and see what happens. If it does help, you can switch powersaving off permanently ("chkconfig cpuspeed off"). Unfortunately powersaving depends on proper interaction of kernel, hardware and usermode software. Intel CPUs are quite different from AMD ones in that respect.



Kay Diederichs    
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz

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