Apologies (once again) for the non-CCP4 nature of the advertisement below  - Gordon

The Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) is an international consortium comprising the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, the Institut Laue Langevin, the Institut de Biologie Structurale and the University Joseph Fourier, in Grenoble, France (see http://psb.esrf.fr for more information). The goal of the PSB is to provide a comprehensive and integrated state-of-the-art environment to enable the study of challenging problems in structural biology, building on the complementary contributions of each of the Partner Institutes. To foster the development of the PSB we are now recruiting a
Scientific Coordinator (m/f)
for the Partnership for Structural Biology
a 3-year contract
You will be a key figure in guiding the scientific programme of PSB. You will:
·        Coordinate, promote, stimulate and participate in the scientific activities of the PSB,
·        Act as point of contact for the PSB and ensure efficient implementation of policy decisions,
·        Coordinate grant applications and grant reporting by the PSB,
·        Assist in the organisation of the various PSB technical platforms and supervision of PSB core staff,
·        Prepare and monitor, together with the building manager and finance officer, the annual budget for the PSB,
·        Act as secretary to the different committees of the PSB.
You should hold a PhD in molecular, structural or cell biology and should have experience in scientific research. Experience and interest in administration and communication related to science is also required. Fluency in English is essential; fluency in French is a significant advantage.
You will work with all Partners to achieve the goals of the PSB, but will be employed by the ESRF. The ESRF offers an exciting opportunity in an international atmosphere. Installation allowances will be given to new staff coming from outside the Grenoble area, and an expatriation allowance can be given according to specific internal regulations.
If you are interested, please send us a fax (+33 (0)4 76 88 24 60) or an e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with your address, and we will provide you with an application form. You can also print out an application form on the World Wide Web http://www.esrf.fr/. Further information concerning the position available can be obtained from Prof. Sine Larsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Dr. Sean McSweeney ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). 
Ref. 2319 - Deadline for returning application forms: 15 December 2007
Applications received after the deadline may be considered for the selected vacancy if not filled or for future similar positions.

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