
Savvas' suggestion about the the Calbiochem and Anatrace product catalogs is a good one, particularly as the latter is fairly up to date regarding the newest detergents. Reviews tend to be out of date quickly.

Also, concerning methods and the odd useful measurements of detergent- binding to membrane proteins, get almost any paper written by Marc le Maire on the subject. Finally, since everyone now has "access" to analytical ultracentrifugation, consider doing AUC with density matching with D2O, sucrose, or Nycodenz. Ariel Lustig's paper on the subject (Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1464, 199-206, 2000) is an excellent guide to the method, although it took nearly 20 years to get him to publish his Model E data. A lot of his useful measurements were put in diplom and Ph.D. theses at the Biozentrum and virtually forgotten.



R. Michael Garavito, Ph.D.
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
513 Biochemistry Bldg.
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1319
Office:  (517) 355-9724     Lab:  (517) 353-9125
FAX:  (517) 353-9334        Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Nov 20, 2007, at 4:22 AM, Edward Berry wrote:

In case you end up compiling your own list, here is one entry:

von Jagow and co-workers (Biochim Biophys Acta. 1977 462(3):549-58.)
used tritiated Triton X-100 to measure the binding to Complex III

 "5. In accordance with the high polarity the amount of bound
 detergent is relatively low, it amounts to 0.2 g Triton X-100/g
protein. The amount of Triton bound to 1 mol of b-c1-dimer corresponds
 to the molecular weight of the Triton micelle."

The bc1 dimer MW is ~480 kDa, so .2 g/g -> 96 kDa detergent

Jacob Keller wrote:
Dear Crystallographers,
I am trying to gather literature values on the size of the detergent/micelle belts on solublized membrane proteins. Does anybody know of a good repository of this info, whether as a database or as a review paper, or otherwise? The rough values of 15-25kD to 35-50kD were given in one recent BB posting, but I was looking for a more systematic tabulation...
Jacob Keller
Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
Dallos Laboratory
F. Searle 1-240
2240 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208
lab: 847.467.4049
cel: 773.608.9185

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