Dear Jie,

   It also depends on whether you believe the SO4 sits
with its internal two-fold along the crystal's two-fold
axis.  If it does you should probably have a 0.5 occ
sulfur and two 1.0 occ oxygen atoms.  If the symmetry
is not obeyed you will have to have four 0.5 occ oxygen

   Be careful, some refinement programs will not be able
to handle the bond length and angle restraints if you
only supply two oxygen atoms.  They will not allow
bonds between atoms and symmetry images of atoms.  If
you are using such a program you will have to supply
four oxygen atoms even if this is not what you would
otherwise do.

Dale Tronrud

Charlie Bond wrote:
> Hi Jie,
> Depending on your resolution, you may be forced use to use S(0.5) and
> 4x(0.5) in order to restrain the SO4 to stay tetrahedral in refinement.
> Cheers,
> Charlie
> Jie Liu wrote:
>> Dear all
>> I have a sulfate ion sitting on a 2-fold axis. Should I put in pdb file
>> one S atom with occu=0.5 and two O atoms with occu=1, or should
>> I put one S and four O atoms all with occu=0.5?
>> Thanks for your inputs.
>> Jie
>> .

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