Dear Pedro,

there is no cheap solution for now, the 3D community has to wait for a
few years more I think to be presented with a good stereo-capable LCD.
The problem is not the refresh rate (as low as 5 ms nowadays) but it is
the after glow effect... that is one of the reasons why LCDs provide a
stable picture at just 60 Hz refresh rate in contrast to CRTs that look
stable at 85 - 100 Hz.

The cheapest solution is still the good old CRT (there are still a few
around) with nuvision stereo glasses.
For example, you can still buy the Samsung SyncMaster 1100MB that has
sufficient rates (Vert x Hori 160 Hz x 130 kHz) to do the job.

If you can, wait a few years ...


p.s. There are also some (more expensive) active stereo beamers around
(we own an Infocus DepthQ) and they provide a nice active stereo picture
on the wall:

Pedro M. Matias wrote:
> At USD 7000 it's not exactly the cheap solution I was looking for...
> At 10:46 04-02-2008, Andrew Raine wrote:
>> Anastassis Perrakis wrote:
>>> While we are on the subject, does anyone in general have working in
>>> their labs a stereo-3D solution that does not require CRT monitors
>>> but works on LCD and preferably with Linux or OSX ? (any windows
>>> hints are welcome as well).
>> Yes indeed.  We have a 20" one of these:
>> on one of our Linux workstations.  After the original Acer screens
>> were swapped for Samsung ones it is excellent.  People like it for
>> the lack of flicker and consequent lack of headaches!  It has a wide
>> angle of view, and several people can see stereo on the same screen
>> at the same time, and there is no cross-talk between different
>> displays in the same room.
>> It needs to be driven by an nVidia FX-series graphics card, with dual
>> DVI outputs.  Other cards with dual outputs can be made to work, but
>> the nVidia driver can intercept the conventional quad-buffered screen
>> swapping instructions and divert the two eye views tot he different
>> displays.  Thus most software that is already stereo-capable will
>> work without modification.
>> In case this sounds a little too glowing, I should point out that I
>> have no connection with the suppliers or the manufacturers, except as
>> a customer!
>> Andrew
>> -- 
>> Dr. Andrew Raine, Head of IT, MRC Dunn Human Nutrition Unit,
>> Wellcome Trust/MRC Building, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2XY, UK
>> phone: +44 (0)1223 252830   fax: +44 (0)1223 252835
>> web: email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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