I don't have an answer for you, but I have been experiencing the same problem. My guess is that a bug was introduced into version 1.2. My workaround is to use DM. I haven't had problems with any of the other cns scripts in version 1.2.

Raja Dey wrote:
Hi All,
I am trying to run density_modify.inp in cns 1.2. it stops with the error enclosed below. But, it runs with cns 1.1 perfectly. I am using the same two data files(e.g. p65_se_rdey.hkl.cv and combine.hkl). Does anyone have experience like this? Any solution is well appreciated. Regards...

 Program version= 1.2 File version= 1.2
 %XMAPASU-AUTOmem: increasing memory allocation to    2000000
 Minimum brick that covers asymmetric unit:
   A=     0,...,    64  B=     0,...,    64  C=     0,...,    25
 Sum of      5287 elements =              5287.0000
 SHOW: average of    102400 elements=                 0.0000
 ANOMalous=TRUE {ON}
 XMPST: average =   0.0000  minimum =   0.0000  maximum =   0.0000
 XMPST: r.m.s.  =   0.0000     norm =   0.0000
 XMHISTO: (default from map) RHOMIN and RHOMAX =   0.0000   0.0000
 %XMHISTO-ERR:  a complete flat map.
 XMHISTO: (default from map) SLOT width =  0.000000
 %XMHISTO-ERR: the SLOT width is too small   0.00000
 XMHISTO: the number of slots MBINS=10000 and width SLOT=   0.0000
 %XDOTYPE-ERR: Variable/type mismatch:
      do (masksol=1) (real(automap) <= $cutoff)
 %DO-ERR: Data type mismatch.  Selection must be a logical expression.:
      do (masksol=1) (real(automap) <= $cutoff)
 %SHOW error encountered: There were errors in DO expression.
   (CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END)
 ABORT mode will terminate program execution.
 Program will stop immediately.
           Maximum dynamic memory allocation:    18336916 bytes
           Maximum dynamic memory overhead:           360 bytes
           Program started at  : 18:01:44 on 21-Apr-2008
           Program stopped at  : 18:01:46 on 21-Apr-2008
           CPU time used       :       1.9700 seconds
           Total runtime       :       0.0000 seconds

           Program compiled by David Gohara

Regards... Raja

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Sean Johnson, PhD
R. Gaurth Hansen Assistant Professor
Utah State University
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
0300 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-0300
(435) 797-2089
(435) 797-3390 (fax)

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