You need to use the syntax:

unlimit stacksize
unlimit datasize
unlimit memoryuse

and I have these in my .cshrc

I can get this under OSX 10.5 (albeit on an old G5 chip machine):

cputime      unlimited
filesize     unlimited
datasize     unlimited
stacksize    65532 kbytes
coredumpsize unlimited
memoryuse    unlimited
descriptors  256
memorylocked unlimited
maxproc      266

In the above there's an "undesirable" unlimited core dump size because I have this account set up for debugging.

On 10.4 on similar hardware I get:

cputime         unlimited
filesize        unlimited
datasize        unlimited
stacksize       65536 kbytes
coredumpsize    0 kbytes
memoryuse       unlimited
descriptors     256
memorylocked    unlimited
maxproc         100

Hope this helps,

Phil Jeffrey

hari jayaram wrote:
Since I am not on the cnsbb yet I am posting this here.
I downloaded the cns 1.2.2 intel build and was trying to run a simulated annealing refinement on my macbook pro ( Intel) running 10.5.2 .

However the annealing job crashes roughly 40 minutes into the refinement with the following message

"There is not enough memory available to the program.
 This may be because of too little physical memory (RAM)
 or too little swap space on the machine. It could also be
 the result of user or system limits. On most Unix systems
 the "limit" command can be used to check the current user
 limits. Please check that the datasize, memoryuse and
 vmemoryuse limits are set at a large enough value."

Unfortunately on Leopard it seems that unlimit and limit are not available under bash
Further when I use csh , I get the following values for the limits

[mango:~/aps_04_21_2008/p10_2] hari% limit
cputime      unlimited
filesize     unlimited
datasize     6144 kbytes
stacksize    8192 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
memoryuse    unlimited
descriptors  256
memorylocked unlimited
maxproc      266

In the same csh shell unlimit returns

[mango:~/aps_04_21_2008/p10_2] hari% unlimit
unlimit: descriptors: Can't remove limit (Invalid argument)


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