There is an operating system bug in mac osx 10.5.x that may cause this problem if you are running the program with input redirection, but without output redirection, i.e.,

cns < test.inp

and the input file contains one ore more blank lines.


cns < test.inp > test.out

Axel Brunger

On May 21, 2008, at 8:37 PM, xiaoyazi2008 wrote:

Recently I've installed the CNS 1.2 on Mac Pro successfully. But when I run cns_solve to do annealing refinement, the following error information appear:
 FFT3C: Using FFTPACK4.1

 CNSsolve>{+ file: anneal.inp +}
 CNSsolve>{+ directory: xtal_refine +}
CNSsolve>{+ description: Crystallographic simulated annealing refinement +} CNSsolve>{+ authors: Axel T. Brunger, Luke M. Rice and Paul D. Adams +}
 CNSsolve>{+ copyright: Yale University +}
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image              PC        Routine            Line        Source
cns_solve          003548DF  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cns_solve          00339FBB  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cns_solve          000F62EC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Stack trace terminated abnormally.
Can anybody help me to fix that problem? Thanks a lot


On May 1, 2008, at 3:33 AM, hari jayaram wrote:

Since I am not on the cnsbb yet I am posting this here.
I downloaded the cns 1.2.2 intel build and was trying to run a simulated annealing refinement on my macbook pro ( Intel) running 10.5.2

However the annealing job crashes roughly 40 minutes into the refinement with the following message

"There is not enough memory available to the program.
 This may be because of too little physical memory (RAM)
 or too little swap space on the machine. It could also be
 the result of user or system limits. On most Unix systems
 the "limit" command can be used to check the current user
 limits. Please check that the datasize, memoryuse and
 vmemoryuse limits are set at a large enough value."

Unfortunately on Leopard it seems that unlimit and limit are not available under bash
Further when I use csh , I get the following values for the limits

[mango:~/aps_04_21_2008/p10_2] hari% limit
cputime      unlimited
filesize     unlimited
datasize     6144 kbytes
stacksize    8192 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
memoryuse    unlimited
descriptors  256
memorylocked unlimited
maxproc      266

In the same csh shell unlimit returns

[mango:~/aps_04_21_2008/p10_2] hari% unlimit
unlimit: descriptors: Can't remove limit (Invalid argument)

How can I setup cns to have free reign and use up unlimited datasize and stacksize for all cns jobs?

Thanks for your help in advance

Hari Jayaram

The detailed error is posted below

ASSFIL: file /Users/hari/cns/cns_solve_1.2/libraries/toppar/ torsionmdmods opened.
 EVALUATE: symbol $MESSAGE_OLD_TMOD set to "NORM" (string)
 EVALUATE: symbol $ECHO_OLD_TMOD set to FALSE (logical)
 NEXTCD: condition evaluated as false
 Program version= 1.2 File version= 1.2
 SELRPN:      0 atoms have been selected out of   2380
cns_solve(93676) malloc: *** mmap(size=3000000512) failed (error code=12)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
 ALLHP: request for -1294967296 bytes
 There is not enough memory available to the program.
 This may be because of too little physical memory (RAM)
 or too little swap space on the machine. It could also be
 the result of user or system limits. On most Unix systems
 the "limit" command can be used to check the current user
 limits. Please check that the datasize, memoryuse and
 vmemoryuse limits are set at a large enough value.
 %ALLHP error encountered: not enough memory available
   (CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END)
 ABORT mode will terminate program execution.
 Program will stop immediately.
           Maximum dynamic memory allocation:   139649464 bytes
           Maximum dynamic memory overhead:           944 bytes
           Program started at: 14:51:17 on 30-Apr-2008
           Program stopped at: 15:09:16 on 30-Apr-2008
           CPU time used:    1077.7678 seconds

Axel T. Brunger
Investigator,  Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Stanford University

Phone:  +1 650-736-1031
Fax:    +1 650-745-1463

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