
I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen something like this. I have a 2.1 A
data set (synchrotron data) that is nearing completion. I see density that
appears to join a cysteine side chain to a lysine (30 residues away from
each other in primary sequence). There is a picture of the density here.

I have modeled this in as a Cysteine sulfenic acid (Side chain is Cb-Sg-OH)
and refined. There remains a bit of positive Fo-Fc density above the oxygen
and the lysine N and sulfenic acid hydroxyl are 1.8A away.

I have some other crazy ideas but haven't been able to find any precedent in
the literature. Any thoughts on what this might be or if anyone has seen
something similar would be greatly appreciated.

Andrew M. Gulick, Ph.D.
(716) 898-8619
Hauptman-Woodward Institute
700 Ellicott St
Buffalo, NY 14203
Senior Research Scientist
Hauptman-Woodward Institute
Dept. of Structural Biology, SUNY at Buffalo

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