Hi Andrew
You don't say what your protein is crystallised in, or has seen during
purification, but maybe S- MERCAPTOCYSTEINE might fit?
(search for CSS in MSD CHEM)
Do you have lower wavelength data that you might get a sulphur
anomalous signal to check this?

S-methyl Cysteine might fit as well - but the difference peak and bond
lengths look more S-S than S-C.

Hope this helps,


2008/5/22 Andrew Gulick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Greetings.
> I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen something like this. I have a 2.1 A
> data set (synchrotron data) that is nearing completion. I see density that
> appears to join a cysteine side chain to a lysine (30 residues away from
> each other in primary sequence). There is a picture of the density here.
>    http://labs.hwi.buffalo.edu/gulick/cyslys.html
> I have modeled this in as a Cysteine sulfenic acid (Side chain is Cb-Sg-OH)
> and refined. There remains a bit of positive Fo-Fc density above the oxygen
> and the lysine N and sulfenic acid hydroxyl are 1.8A away.
> I have some other crazy ideas but haven't been able to find any precedent in
> the literature. Any thoughts on what this might be or if anyone has seen
> something similar would be greatly appreciated.
> Andy
> --
> Andrew M. Gulick, Ph.D.
> -----------------------------------
> (716) 898-8619
> Hauptman-Woodward Institute
> 700 Ellicott St
> Buffalo, NY 14203
> -----------------------------------
> Senior Research Scientist
> Hauptman-Woodward Institute
> Dept. of Structural Biology, SUNY at Buffalo
> http://www.hwi.buffalo.edu/Faculty/Gulick/Gulick.html
> http://labs.hwi.buffalo.edu/gulick

David C. Briggs PhD
Father & Crystallographer
AIM ID: dbassophile

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