Hi Francisco,
If your real mosaic spread is quite a bit larger than the oscillation width 
(which I guess is likely) then you have either fine or very finely sliced data. 
I would be tempted to give this a go with a 3D profile fitting program, for 
example XDS or d*TREK, which are more optimally designed for this kind of work.
This was not, however, your question.
For mosflm, if you include the command "postref fix mosaic" and set the mosaic 
at what you believe to be a sensible value then you should find all of your 
spots being predicted. There are a couple of reasons why this problem could be 
happening - 
- your crystal is slipping
- the lattice symmetry is wrong
- it just is (spot backgrounds causing it or something...)
For the first one, you can look at the missetting angles. If they are wondering 
all over the place then there is something odd happening - allowing 
postrefinement during integration may help this. For the second, you could try 
refining the cell in P1 and see what the refined cell parameters look like. I 
guess you could also be misindexing the diffraction pattern, so I would also 
give it a go using Labelit to autoindex the diffraction pattern as this 
includes refinement of the direct beam over quite a large range.
I assume that you managed to get a fine enough oscillation width to prevent too 
many overlaps...
If you decide you want to give XDS a go, and you have never run it before, you 
may find it easier to install xia2 and use this to run XDS for you (if you have 
Labelit installed, it will use this too...)
Regarding going for a different crystal form, I look forward to seeing the 
other responses! 
Good luck,


From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 22/05/2008 3:47 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Mosflm : data process of crystal with huge unit cell

Dear All

I am processing data from a crystal for a large macromolecular complex
with mosflm. Cell dimensions are around 120 x 150 x 650, with a p222
spacegroup. To  avoid overlaps, we have collected data with a oscillation
of 0.1 degrees.

When I try to process the data with mosflm, mosaicity decreases along the
processing to a very low values (0.05 to 0.1 depending on the images). The
result is that I miss a lot of spots from the images.

I would appreciate any help regarding :

1.- What's is the best strategy to process such a dataset ?
2.- Which are the critical parameters in mosflm to avoid these problems,
and how to modify them ?
3.- and finally, can I use this data or your advice is to try to get
crystals in a different spacegroup ?

Many thanks

Best regards


Francisco J. Enguita, Ph.D.
Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory
EAN, Av. da República
2781-901 Oeiras
Phone : +351-21-4469663
Fax : +351-21-4433644

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