according to literature,see below and references,
it is not clear that liq. propane plunged item would cool 
faster. (whilst i havent tested this)...  

Would anyone have actual experimental data with protein crystals
on the hyperquenching suggested by 
Warkentin, V. Berejnov, and R. E. Thorne, J. Appl. Cryst. (2006) 39,
805-811. (no diffraction data in the paper). in particular with 
small samples.


Quoting Petr Leiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >> yes you are right, but I assumed if people see a cloud of condensed
> >> fog over their LN2 bath they should remove that by
> >> a) filling up the bowl completely e.g. some LN2 drips out of the bowl
> >> b) blow the fog away before you dip
> I think the original poster meant the relatively low heat conduction of 
> liquid N2, which causes boiling around the crystal immediately after 
> plunging.
> The best way to freeze things is to put a small container of liquid
> ethane 
> or propane into a liquid N2 bowl, and plunge into the ethane/propane
> (this 
> methods was suggested earlier).
> Petr

Tommi Kajander, Ph.D.
Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography
Research Program in Structural Biology and Biophysics
Institute of Biotechnology
P.O. Box 65 (Street address: Viikinkaari 1, 4th floor)
University of Helsinki
FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358-9-191 58903
Fax  +358-9-191 59940

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