On Sep 30, 2008, at 9:56, Anshul Awasthi wrote:

Hi all the crystallographers,

I am trying to solve a structure of a protein with some inhibitor. I want to know how I can put in my inhibitor in the density map of the data i got. I can see some density in the active site where the inhibitor should be. I generated the topoly file of the inhibitor (in both pdba nd refmac5 top formats) from the Dundee PRODRG server. Now do i need to incorporate the structure of the inhibitor in ccp4 or can i do in coot?? I am not sure of
how to do it.

As one of many alternatives you can use "ARP/wARP Ligand Fit" from the CCP4I
(provided you downloaded and installed the current version of ARP/wARP)
and then input your protein structure, the observed data, and the PDB of your ligand.

The script will calculate the mFo-DFc map, find the most likely site for the ligand,
and then fir the ligand there, and refine it in real space.


ANy sugegstion will be very valuable for me.

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