Dear all,

I have set of data (~2.7A). After indexing, HKL2000 suggests a 
rhombohedral space group or C centered monoclinic space group. I tried 
molecular replacement with R32 ( 109.55 109.55 155.28 90.00 90.00 
120.00) and C2 (121.092   109.315    81.537    90.000    97.874    
90.000) (both have good merging statistics), but did not get any 
solution. I also tried P1 ( 81.553    81.527    81.523    84.202    
84.132    84.156) but did get any solution ( wt structure is known and 
the only difference with the wt structure is that the new structure is 
complexed with a smaller protein). I expect that there'll be some 
domain movement so searched for individual domains in phaser.

The self rotation function in P1 showed both two fold and three fold 
peaks but they were both off the centre. The data does not appear to be 
twinned. I am curious to know if it is normal for cell dimensions to 
drastically vary from one space group to another. I am running out of 
ideas, could I be dealing with a wrong space group or pseudosymetry?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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