Hi Josiah,

The primitive cell is what is important.  The primitive cells for C2
and R32:H are the same as the P1 cell you report:

(using  phenix.explore_metric_symmetry)

R32:H Niggli cell: (81.728198520053866, 81.728198520053866,
81.728198520053866, 84.166443879693517, 84.166443879693517,
C2 Niggli cell: (81.537000000000006, 81.567520633215281,
81.567520633215281, 84.147871626167259, 84.163573178668059,

Twinning, pseudo symmetry etc etc can all be possible, even if
intensity statistics indicate that things are fine.


2008/10/2 Josiah Obiero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear all,
> I have set of data (~2.7A). After indexing, HKL2000 suggests a
> rhombohedral space group or C centered monoclinic space group. I tried
> molecular replacement with R32 ( 109.55 109.55 155.28 90.00 90.00
> 120.00) and C2 (121.092   109.315    81.537    90.000    97.874
> 90.000) (both have good merging statistics), but did not get any
> solution. I also tried P1 ( 81.553    81.527    81.523    84.202
> 84.132    84.156) but did get any solution ( wt structure is known and
> the only difference with the wt structure is that the new structure is
> complexed with a smaller protein). I expect that there'll be some
> domain movement so searched for individual domains in phaser.
> The self rotation function in P1 showed both two fold and three fold
> peaks but they were both off the centre. The data does not appear to be
> twinned. I am curious to know if it is normal for cell dimensions to
> drastically vary from one space group to another. I am running out of
> ideas, could I be dealing with a wrong space group or pseudosymetry?
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Josiah.

P.H. Zwart
Beamline Scientist
Berkeley Center for Structural Biology
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories
1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA-94703, USA
Cell: 510 289 9246
BCSB:     http://bcsb.als.lbl.gov
PHENIX: http://www.phenix-online.org
CCTBX:  http://cctbx.sf.net

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