Hi Kevin,

there are several different ways to make 32 and 64bit coexist under Linux. I only know the RedHat way (I think the same as SuSe's) with its separation of /lib for 32bit and /lib64 for 64bit. This is completely painless because all your 32bit applications run without changes. There are just three new rules:
If a specific binary does not start then
1) identify the libraries req'd by it, using "ldd".
2) use "yum provides" to identify the RPM package that has the library
(these two rules apply to both 32- and 64bit applications; the third rule is only useful on a 64bit machine) 3) make "yum" and "rpm" report the type (i386 or x86_64) so you can tell which of these is already installed - in most cases you may have both installed. How to make yum and rpm report the type is documented at <http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/ccp4wiki/index.php/CentOS#Tips_and_Tricks_for_a_64bit_installation>

I don't know which distro you use and which gives you 32/64bit problems; if it's Debian/Ubuntu then I'd suggest to try RedHat/SuSe.

We have a mixed lab of (for history reasons) 32bit and 64bit, and for sure 32 vs 64bit is the least of our worries in system administration. New machines are usually ordered with 2GB of memory or more, and we install them 64bit. When compiling software, you can still choose to compile 32bit or 64bit.

I have not tried to compile coot in 64bit and I don't know a reason why I should even try that. The distributed 32bit coot binaries work very well. Most programs currently do not benefit from 64bit - but some do.



Kevin Cowtan schrieb:
And I would give exactly the opposite advice, unless you are or have a guru who can devote time to fixing all the little things which still don't work under 64 bit OSs.

(Does anyone else have any clues on why 64-bit compiled coot can't calculate a map? I need to look into it, but have a huge backlog of work at the moment.)

Kay Diederichs wrote:
Dear Anna,

you didn't ask about that, but I would definitely recommend a 64bit operating system.

My specific recommendations are mostly in the articles "Computer_hardware" and "CentOS", to be found under the more general topic "Xtal_computing" of the CCP4 wiki (<http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/ccp4wiki/index.php/Xtal_computing>)



Anna S Gardberg schrieb:
Dear list,
I haven't seen the "crystallographic computing platform" thread come up for a while, and I've got a chance to upgrade my desktop to a workstation, so I thought I'd ask the CCP4BB for advice on:

1. Mac vs. Linux (which flavor?) vs. Windows
2. Graphics cards
3. Displays
4. Processors - multiple processors, multiple cores? Speed?

About half of what I do involves ~1.0 A X-ray structures - data processing, rebuilding in Coot, refinement, and so forth - so my current desktop (Optiplex GX745, Radeon X1300) machine drags on graphics sometimes. I don't seem to need stereo these days, for what it's worth.

Anybody have suggestions or specs they'd like to share? Thanks in anticipation of your advice.

Anna Gardberg

Kay Diederichs                http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz

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