Now that everything with coot and imosflm has been settled, how about sftools? I am getting errors when I try to open an sftools window with ccp4i, with 6.1.0. I get the same error with a fink-installed mac version, and a linux installation. Here is the error:

bad window path name ".main.canvas.contents.param_1.body"
bad window path name ".main.canvas.contents.param_1.body"
   while executing
"pack $wframe.body  -side top -fill x"
   (procedure "update_folder_display" line 23)
   invoked from within
"update_folder_display 1 sftools_PROJECT view"
   invoked from within
" invoke"
   (command bound to event)

Any ideas?


William G. Scott wrote:
More specifically, issue

fink selfupdate-cvs  (or fink selfupdate-rsync)
fink install  itcl itk iwidgets tdom tkimg tktreectrl

On Dec 17, 2008, at 7:56 AM, Andrzej Lyskowski wrote:


I've just upgraded my fink distro and was wondering what else has to be done concerning configuration in order to make the iMosflm run on Mac OS.
So far I'm getting the following error:

Error in startup script: unknown namespace in import pattern "itcl::*"
   while executing
"namespace import itcl::*"
(file "/sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.0/ccp4i/imosflm/src/imosflm.tcl" line 91)
   invoked from within
"source $env(IMOSFLM)"
   (file "/sw/share/xtal/ccp4-6.1.0/ccp4i/imosflm/imosflm.tcl" line 111)

Regards, Andrzej

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