I mean *absent* reflections here with fobs=0


Dear All, 


during processing some mtz files I noted that some programs complete 

the reflection list by padding missing reflections.


a)      for Refmac (which did not pad reflections automatically) I read that

1)      for 2mFo-DFc:  Fwt = DFc in case Fo=absent 

2)      for  mfo-fc :       Fwt=0 for Fo=absent


b)      how does PHENIX/refine handle the fobs = absent reflections in
either case?  


c)      Prime and switch maps also have padded reflections, but here I am at
a loss,

            because the maps seem to acquire very high positive density -
i.e. the distribution

            seems atypical when read into say Xtalview. Might be a result of
the density modification 

            procedure? Can I get the observed reflections only from P&S?


Could the program authors kindly shed some light or references on the
treatment of absent reflections in their

respective programs? In most cases, the padded reflections have not much
effect, as expected from their weights.


Thx, br


Bernhard Rupp
001 (925) 209-7429
+43 (676) 571-0536
People can be divided in three classes:
The few who make things happen
The many who watch things happen
And the overwhelming majority
who have no idea what is happening.


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