For the sake of completeness I also thought that the REFERENCE_DATA_SET card in XDS does the same thing.

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Fri, 17 Apr 2009, Nicholas K. Sauter wrote:


If you still have the raw images on line, you can use a new feature in LABELIT to take care of matching the 2nd dataset indexing solution against the isomorphous atomic model from data set 1, and then re-integrate.

labelit.index <data set 2 first image> <data set 2 90-degree image> <compatibility_file=structure1.pdb>

The process requires ipmosflm to be in your executable path.

Full details are at

Nick Sauter

James Stroud wrote:

Hello All,

I have two crystals (that I'll call "data set 1" and "data set 2") that seem to be isomorphic, but y and z are transposed between the two data sets. Reindexing data set 2 with the operators

  h => -h
  k => l
  l => k

makes the axes match data set 1, but running MR with the previous data set 2 solution on the newly reindexed data set 2 yields a solution rotated 180 about z with respect to the data set 1 solution. What is the operation to reindex such that real space is rotated 180 about z? These are in P212121.


Nicholas K. Sauter, Ph.D.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720
Voice: 510-486-5713
Fax: 510-486-5909

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