The elastically scattered photons (which make up the Bragg peaks) also do not not retain the momentum of the incident photon.

Although technically true to say that photons traveling in different directions have different momenta, all elastically scattered photons have the same wavelength (momentum) as the incident photon. Otherwise, they would not interfere constructively to form Bragg peaks and they would be called Compton-scattered photons. The small change in energy required to preserve wavelength upon a change in direction during elastic scattering is contributed by the entire crystal as a "recoil" phonon. Arthur Compton wrote a paper about this:
which probably contributed to his Nobel four years later. This is a classic example of the confusion that can arise from the particle-wave duality.

Fluorescent x-rays have a VERY different wavelength from the incident beam and therefore cannot interact coherently with Bragg-scattered photons, so they contribute to nothing but background. Fluorescence is also a true absorption-reemission process, and must occur from one atom at a time. The "core hole lifetime" before emission occurs is small, but there is still a "random delay" before the fluorescent photon is emitted. This means there is essentially no interference between fluorescence events from different atoms. Scattering, on the other hand, occurs from every atom in the crystal simultaneously for each incident photon, and this is why we see interference.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

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