I tried plugging I/sigma = 0 into your formula below, but my calculator returned "EEEEEEEE"

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Graeme Winter wrote:

I'm not sure you're completely right here - it's reasonably
straightforward to show that

Rmerge ~ 0.7979 / (<I/sigma>)

(Weiss & Hilgenfeld, J. Appl. Cryst 1997) which can be verified from
e.g. the Scala log file, provided that the *unmerged* I/sigma is


This example did not exhibit much radiation damage so it does
represent a best case.

For (unmerged) I/sigma < 1 the statistics do tend to become
unreliable, which I found was best demonstrated by inspection of the
E^4 plot - up to I/sigma ~ 1 it was ~ 2, but increased substantially
thereafter. This I had assumed represented the fact that the
"intensities" were drawn from a gaussian distribution with low I/sigma
rather than the exponential (WIlson) distribution which would be
expected for intensities.

By repeatedly selecting small random subsets* of unique reflections in
the example data set and merging them separately, I found that the
"error" on the Rmerge above for the weakest reflections was about
0.05. Since this retains the same multiplicity and the mean value
converges on the complete data set statistics, I believe that the
comparisons are valid.

I guess I "don't believe you" :o)



* CCTBX is awesome for this kind of thing!

2009/7/15 James Holton <jmhol...@lbl.gov>:
Actually, if I/sd < 3, Rmerge, Rpim, Rrim, etc. are all infinity.  Doesn't
matter what your redundancy is.

Don't believe me?  Try it.
The extreme case is I/sd = 0, and as long as there is some background (and,
let's face it, there always is), the "observed" spot intensity will be
equally likely to be positive or negative, with a (basically) Gaussian
So, if you generate say, ten Gaussian-random numbers (centered on zero),
take their average value <I>, compute the average deviation from that
average <|I-<I>|>, and then divide <|I-<I>|>/<I>, you will get the "Rmerge"
expected for I/sd = 0 at a redundancy of 10.  Problem is, if you do this
again with a different random number seed, you will get a very different
Rmerge.  Even if you do it with a million different random number seeds and
compute the "average Rmerge", you will always get wildly different values.
 Some positive, some negative.  And it doesn't matter how many "data points"
you use to compute the Rmerge: averaging a million Rmerge values will give a
different answer than averaging a million and one.

The reason for this numerical instability is because both <I> and <|I-<I>|>
follow a Gaussian distribution that is centered at zero, and the ratio of
two numbers like this has a Lorentzian distribution.  The Lorentzian looks a
lot like a Gaussian, but has much fatter tails.  Fat enough so that the
Lorentzian distribution has NO MEAN VALUE.  Seriously.  It is hard to
believe that the average value of something that is equally likely to be
positive or negative could be anything but zero, but for all practical
purposes you can never arrive at the average value of something with a
Lorentzian distribution.  At least not by taking finite samples.  So, no
matter what the redundancy, you will always get a different Rmerge.

However, if <I> is not centered on zero (I/sd > 0), then the ratio of the
two Gaussian-random numbers starts to look like a Gaussian itself, and this
distribution does have a mean value (Rmerge will be "reproducible").
 However, this does not happen all at once.  The tails start to shrink as
I/sd = 1, they are even smaller at I/sd = 2, and the distribution finally
looses all "Lorentzian character" when I/sd >= 3.  Only then is Rmerge a
meaningful quantity.

So, perhaps our "forefathers" who first instituted the practice of a 3-sigma
cutoff for all intensities actually DID know what they were doing!  All R-
statistics (including Rcryst and Rfree) are unstable in this way for weak
data, but sometime in the early 1990s the practice of computing R-factors on
"all data" crept into the field.  I'm not saying we should not use all data,
maximum likelihood refinement uses sigmas properly and "weak" data are
powerful restraints.  However, I will go on record as suggesting that a
3-sigma cutoff should be used for all R statistics.  There is still a place
in your PDB file to put the sigma cutoff you used for your R factors.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Lijun Liu wrote:
Hi Frank,

Off from the original topic but important to clarify.  If I misled the
concepts, I apologize.

Outer shell Rmerge will always be very high:
True!  Especially when I/Sig ~ 1 or less.

Only I/sigI (and completeness, although it's related) is really relevant
for deciding high resolution cutoff.
Normally I use I/Sig = 2.0 for res-cut-off.  For this "accuracy"---please
do not ask me the exact meaning of Sig(too many contributed this including
hardware, software, protocol, strategies,...), the average measuring error
for reflections could be expected to the inversion of this number, 1/2.0,
i.e. 50%, which in general suggests that the Rmerge should not pass much
this value to make the inclusion of the data meaningful.  (Please read this
carefully since I do not want to confuse two different concepts).   Or you
are merging data with merging error much larger than the data measuring
error.  Although the estimation of Sig(I) is difficult and Sig(I) itself may
be of large error, when I/sig ~ 3, 70% seems still to be too high to accept.

Rmerge is well known to be a weak indicator, but it is not just a
mathematical issue, and never a crap.  It should be used with others (I/S,
red, ...).  I agree with Ian that all data should be included, if the
quality is guaranteed.

I did not comb the history of refinement softwares and their philosophy,
but today it seems all the prevailing ref-packages use resolution bins for
shelling (I know there has been enough theoretical ground to to so), which
is the source of RESOLUTION CUTOFF and some problems arisen from RESOLUTION
CUTOFF for example the Rmerge issue.   I appreciate to be told if some
softwares had ever used I, I/SigI, F, F/SigF or something else for binning,
especially in the early time for refinement package development.  RESOLUTION
BINNING might not be a have-to?  :D

Best regards.

Lijun Liu, PhD
http://www.uoregon.edu/~liulj/ <http://www.uoregon.edu/%7Eliulj/>

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