My 2 cents: 

Cent #1 "But they are slightly different ( may be 50 ev) in different
papers." This statement itself contains the answer - always scan, but it
was already suggested by many. I'd like to get to slightly different
issue here. No oxidation or any other interaction in protein crystals
moves the Se edge 50 ev from its theoretical value. It is obvious that
in that particular experiment the monochromator was not calibrated
properly. Ethan already touched on this but I wanted to emphasize again:
when a scan identifies the edge to be way out of reasonable, the
beamline support staff should be asked to check the monochromator
calibration before publishing such exotic results.

On our beamlines at GM/CA-CAT at APS, we do calibration at the start of
each user group. It's easy, fast, and Se edges from sample to sample,
project to project, user to user, are remarkably stable.


Cent #2 Often orientation of your sample crystal has far greater effect
on the way your scan as well as f' and f" curves look than oxidation or
other issues in the protein molecule. Check out Bricogne's publications
few years back.





Ruslan Sanishvili (Nukri), Ph.D.

Biosciences Division, ANL
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439

Tel: (630)252-0665
Fax: (630)252-0667 


From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
Jerry McCully
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:16 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] MAD wavelength


Dear All:

     Next week we are going to try some seleno-Met labeled crystals.

     We checked the literature to try to find out the peak wavelength
that has been used for SAD or MAD data collection. But they are slightly
different ( may be 50 ev) in different papers.

     I guess this is due to the discrepancy between the fluorescence
scanning and the theoretical vaules of f' and f''.

      When we collect the data, which wavelength should we use? Should
we trust the scanning results?

      Thanks a lot for your comments.

       All the best,

Jerry McCully



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