Ian Tickle has just written a definitive answer to your first
question, so I will just comment on questions 2 and 3.

SHELXD divides the occupancies by the occupancy of the first atom in
the peaklist, so they should not be greater than 1.0. I was not able 
to find an example of an occupancy greater than 1.0 in a PDB file
from SHELXD. Assuming that you are using the current version
of SHELXD (2006/3) I would appreciate receiving more details. If you 
are using SHELXE for phasing only the RELATIVE occupancies are used 

Some useful statistics are printed out by SHELXC when it prepares
the files for SHELXD and SHELXE. If you would like to display these
nicely in graphical form you can use Thomas Schneider's hkl2map GUI 
to call SHELXC/D/E (strongly recommended anyway).


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, DebajyotiDutta wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> I have very little knowledge about anomalous dispersion method. The thing is 
> that I have just started to deal with a case of SAD. I have consulted several 
> text books to acquire knowledge about it though I have some queries. CCP4BB, 
> I think is the best place to place my questions. 
> 1.Is there any difference between Anomalous Dispersion and Anomalous 
> Scattering?
> 2.Sometimes I found that while searching for anomalous scatterer with SHELXD 
> which give the coordinates of the scatterer in PDB format with occupancy more 
> than 1. Why anomalous occupancy may be more than 1.
> 3.I found that there is one plot (FPH – FP)/FP Vs Resolution indicate the 
> isomorphism but how can I get this plot does SHELX has any option to print it.
> Thank you all for your time and reply to a beginners query in advance. 
> Sincerely
> Debajyoti Dutta 

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