I get the following error when trying to run ccp4i.tcl with bltwish.exe:

Can't read "env(CCP4I_TOP)": no such variable while executing
"file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin $system(OPSYS) startup.tcl" invoked from
"source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin $system(OPSYS) startup.tcl]"
  (file "C:\CCP4-Packages\ccp4-6.1.1\ccp4i\bin\ccp4i.tcl" line 20)

I do not know how the set the association within the shortcut.  I added the
"%1" %* to the end of the target line, but saw no where to enter the
\Tcl-Tk++\bin\bltwish.exe" "%1" %* in its entirety.  Adding the entire line
to the end of the shortcut gives the same error message.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dima Klenchin [mailto:klenc...@facstaff.wisc.edu] 
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 17:49
To: Stuart Endo-Streeter
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] install issue on win vista - where is the ccp4i

>I can not find an executable or any way at all to launch ccp4i in any 

The executable is a script ccp4i.tcl found in \cp4-6.1.1\ccp4i\bin\. If you 
make a shortcut with that file as a target, the GUI should launch. If *.tcl 
files have no associations, you may not have Tcl/Tk installed properly. If 
it's just the association not set, set it manually:
         \Tcl-Tk++\bin\bltwish.exe" "%1" %*


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