Dear all,

This is a reminder and some news for the meeting:

"What is a macromolecular Complex? Shades of Meaning Across Cellular, Systems, and Structural Biology"

- Registration closes on Monday 7th September at 12:00 noon. No exceptions after the deadline.

- There will be eight (8) fellowships for attending the meeting, 500 Euro (max) each (*)

Best regards on behalf of the organizers,


(*) Only available if your lab is NOT part of the EU programs that support the meeting (SPINE-2-Complexes, TEACH-SG, 3D-Repertoire) and you really wanted to attend but could not for financial reasons, but 500 Euro will make it possible for you to join us, please email with a short motivation and research interests, 10-15 lines max (no attachments please, simple text). Preference will be given to people not yet registered, since we might well assume that people that already registered had the money already sorted. The amount is the MAXimum available per person for ALL expenses, and it will be reimbursed after the meeting, *** based on receipts ***!

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