Sticking to the same test set is a great and practical idea! It lowers the chance to get biased from "self-validation". However, logically,

0) based on Bragg's law and HKL<->XYZ theory, no reflections are truly free from the others from the same crystal. But when the reflection number is larger than the number of parameters minus other restriction conditions, you have more degree of freedom, statistically. Uncertainties contributed from many aspects increase the freedom. Even though, free test set is not purely free.

1) if the refined model is optimal/quasi-optimal, the model is then supposed to be consistent to the data used for test set too; or the model is far from optimal. In this regard, switching test sets/using different test sets will not be a problem for this kind of "ideal" case---enough refinement cycles should be able to bring consistent models.

2) keeping the same reflections for test set will leave these reflections lost any chance to contribute the minimization process in a direct fashion, which itself causes a kind of bias. From the point of data, if any data are excluded, no matter randomly or not, from calculation, artificial bias would be resulted! If the initial model is biased, it will be biased forever if it caused due to the exclusion of test set (this sounds more true when with low resolution data).

So, a judgement may need be based on your data! At the "end" (I mean you are going to stop) of a smooth refinement, switching test sets should not be a "huge" problem, or the model is too wrong!

Back to Mike's question: I suggest you keep the same test set, since your data were from the exactly same crystal. At least it saves your convergence time.

Lijun Liu

On Sep 24, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Ian Tickle wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Tronrud []
Sent: 24 September 2009 17:21
To: Ian Tickle
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Rfree in similar data set

  While I agree with Ian on the theoretical level, in practice
people use free R's to make decisions before the ultimate model
is finished, and our refinement programs are still limited in
their abilities to find even a local minimum.

I wasn't saying that Rfree is only useful for the ultimate finished
model.  My argument also applies to all intermediate models; the
criterion is that the refinement has converged against the current
working set, even if it is only an incomplete model, or if it is only to
a local optimum.  So it's perfectly possible to use Rfree for
overfitting & other tests on intermediate models. The point is that it
doesn't matter how you arrived at that optimum (whether local or
global), Rfree is a function only of the parameters at that point, not
of any previous history.  If you arrived at that same local or global
optimum via a path which didn't involve switching datasets midway, you
must get the same answer for Rfree, so I just don't see how it can be
biased one way and not biased the other.  Note that this is meant as a
'thought experiment', I'm not saying necessarily that it's possible to
perform this experiment in practice!

  On the automated level the test set is used, sometimes, to
determine bulk solvent parameter, and more importantly to calibrate
the likelihood calculations in refinement.  If the test set is
not "free" the likelihood calculation will overestimate the
of the model and I'm not confident that error will not become
a self-fulfilling prophecy.  It is not useful to divine meaning
from the free R until convergence is achieved, but the test
set is used from the first cycle.

That is indeed a fair point, but I would maintain that the test set
becomes 'free', i.e. free of the memory of all previous models, the
first time you reach convergence, so the question of the effect on
sigmaA calculations, which use the test set, is only relevant to the
first refinement after switching test sets, thereafter it should be
irrelevant.  Converging to a local or global optimum wipes out all
memory of previous models because the parameter values at that optimum
are independent of any previous history, and so Rfree must be the same
for that optimum no matter what path you took to get there.

  Perhaps I'm in one of my more persnickety moods, but every
paper I've read about optimization algorithms say that the method
requires a number of iteration many times the number of parameters
in the model.  The methods used in refinement programs are pretty
amazing in their ability to drop the residuals with a small number
of cycles, but we are violating the mathematical warranty on
each and every one of them.   A refinement program will produce
a model that is close to optimal, but cannot be expected to be
optimal.  Since we haven't seen an optimal model yet it's hard
to say how far we are off.

I thought that for a quadratic approximation CG requires a number of
iterations that is not more than the number of parameters (not that we
ever use even that many iterations!)?  Anyway that's a problem in
theory, but it's possible to refine until nothing more 'interesting'
happens, i.e. further changes appear to be purely random and at the
level of rounding errors.  Plotting the maximum shift of the atom
positions or B factors from one iteration to the next is a very
sensitive way of detecting whether convergence has been achieved;
looking at changes in R factors or in RMSDs of bonds etc is a bad way,
since R factors are not sensitive to small changes and atoms can move in
concert without affecting bond lengths etc. (or it may just be the
waters that are moving!).

As a final point I would note that cell parameters frequently vary by
several % between crystals even from the same batch due to unavoidable
variations in rates of freezing etc, so what you think are independent
test set reflections may in reality overlap significantly in reciprocal
space with working set reflections from another dataset anyway!

-- Ian

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