Hello felow MO crystallographer,

For all it's worth, a while ago I've compiled a little document which
describes mounting needles. I've converted it into PDF and posted it here:

"Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if
the sand were stone" 
 Jorge Luis Borges

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of
Tanner, John J.
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:52 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Mounting needle-shaped crystals

Dear CCP4,

I'm looking for advice on mounting thin needles for low temperature data
collection. Our needles are fairly long (100-200 microns) but only 20
microns or less thick.  When I pick them up with Hampton loops (0.05-0.1 mm
size), the crystals tend to break as they are moved out of the drop and
through the liquid-air interface.

I see that Mitegen sells MicroLoops E, which are advertised as working well
for mounting needles.  Can anyone recommend them?  Can anyone recommend
Mitegen MicroMeshes or another tool for mounting needles?


Jack Tanner

John J. Tanner
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Missouri-Columbia
125 Chemistry Building
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-884-1280
Fax: 573-882-2754
Email: tanne...@missouri.edu

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